My children are incredible eaters. They eat most vegetables and have tried all the others. One complaint I hear over and over from parents is that their children won’t eat the veggies. I grew up eating vegetables. It was so normal, that I thought it was odd when I heard other kids didn’t.
This is why I believe my children eat their veggies. When they began eating solids, I always put the veggies on their tray first, with no other food in sight. No argument, no struggle. After the the veggies were at least 3/4 gone, I placed the protein next, then the starch. As they grew into toddlers, I kept up the veggies first, then the second course was the protein and starch. To this day, I still notice them eating their veggies first. Now, I’m not claiming they love all vegetables. In fact, I have one that eats twice as many as the others, but as a family, we eat a really good variety.
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